*UPDATE* And we are now back up after about 3 hours of downtime!

This site will be offline for a few hours between 10pm 18th December 2010 (GMT +8) to 6am 19th December 2010 (GMT +8) for migration of server rack.

Details as followed:

There will be a scheduled relocation of co-location server rack space within the data centre at Creative Resource (the “Data Centre”).

This scheduled migration is part of M1 Net Ltd (M1 Net)’s ongoing endeavors to progressively upgrade the facilities and services. This upgrade will help to prevent potential network failures, optimize the network’s redundancy resources, and maintain the network infrastructure with up-to-date industry standard protocols.

The new racks are designed to incorporate an Earth Leak Relay (ELR) system and will be linked to dual power supply feeders and each individual rack will be linked to a different Distribution Board and UPS. With the ELR incorporated design, the new racks will have greater tolerance for power trip failure and will offer better protection to your servers from any power disruption caused by other end users’ servers/racks. This will also help to ensure the continued efficiency of the network to better serve your needs and requirements.

Please be assured that there will be no change in your service offerings and that as our valued customer, you will continue to enjoy the same quality of service as before.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused =)