Learned how to place lighting and materials during IGRA lessons using OPENGL. Nothing much happen in school today.

Went to Ngee Ang City’s newly renovated Mos burger, the space is the same, but this time it can sit more people due to the way the chairs are placed. Love the inside sits, very cozy. LOL

Went to Hereen for a walk, the 4th level still not completed yet, it will be completed somewhere in May. Went back To Ngee Ang City’s Kinokuniya. Lian bought a Japanese magazine which features her favorite thing. Kinki Kids. LOL

Came back did my PCT worksheets from Chapter 1 to 7, only left chapter 8 which has not been done. Date due for it will be this Saturday and it is worth 30% marks of my whole PCT module. MMPJ assignment also nearing completion. Just a few more final touches.

Had book for my BTT test on 26th March 2003, hope I got time to study for it. LOL