Went for my 3rd driving lesson today. It rained again. Well, guess that the rainy season is approaching especially when it comes to November. Well, today’s lesson kinda fun, I am not as nervous as last time when it comes to changing gear. Today did more advanced stuff on top of driving around the circuit. I think as time goes by I should be able to get the hang of it. Aiming to take the Traffic Police test at the end of December.

Java is really driving me crazy. Took me 1 hour trying to figure out how to use the Date Object with FormatDate Object just to achieve a drop-down menu style date. Completed my Item’s Category management and my adding of Items. The next step is editing and deleting the items. So far the progress is good and on the other hand, my FYP and GAME progress is bad.

My examinations timetable is out:

» ST7304 JSPG 29-Oct-2003 6pm-8:10pm
» ST0207 ELIT 3-Nov-2003 9am-11:10am

ELIT shall be my killer, the paper weights 70% =(

Shall take a break now. I am killing a lot of brain cells because of JAVA. Anyway, ZIP Disc sucks.